
校园安全 & 安全

At 阿尔伯马尔学院 (COA), the safety and security of our students, 工作人员, 教师 and visitors is a matter of the highest priority. 而COA的校园安全和安保部门和安保人员是这一承诺的重要组成部分, a truly safe campus is achieved only through our collaborative effort, working together to ensure maximum protection for both people and property. We encourage you to make responsible decisions, 无论是校内还是校外, 并帮助我们实现为每个人提供安全教育环境的目标.


要接收紧急情况和大学关闭的免费文本或语音消息通知,请登录 辅酶a警报 with your username and password.

安全 Procedures and 规定

There will be no access to COA buildings between the hours of 11 p.m. 和7a.m. 在其他关闭时间访问由以下程序管理:事先安排将需要作出并由相应的校园副校长或院长批准. The security officer will need to be advised of the arrangements.


工作人员, preferably from that department, will need to accompany students accessing any academic facility.

在使用可能造成伤害的设施时,必须有两个人在场, 比如商店或实验室.

COA -大胆 COA - Edenton-Chowan COA -申博平台 COA - Currituck
院长:252-473-2264分机. 7020

保安服务台:252-473-2264分机. 7509


安全 Desk: 252-482-7900 ext. 6009


总机:252-335-0821分机. 0

Director of 安全: 252-335-0821 ext. 2228

保安服务台:252-335-0821 ext. 2348


保安服务台:252-453-3035分机. 8109


安全 can be contacted for assistance at any time. 保安人员(只适用于COA -申博平台和COA -埃登顿-乔万)可以护送学生, 工作人员, 教师, and visitors to and from any building and parking lot on campus. 如果没有要求安全援助,我们建议与朋友一起步行,而不是独自一人.

安全 officers are trained to observe and report. 接到电话后, 保安人员立即被派往投诉地点提供协助, write a security incident report, take statements from witnesses and conduct follow-up inquiries as required. 警察部门和学院人员被通知需要援助和进一步调查的严重申博官方.


性犯罪的受害者可以从下列组织获得保密援助. 许多涉及大学生的性侵犯和强奸是“熟人强奸”或“约会强奸”.” Victims of on-campus crimes have the right to choose counseling, 医疗, 通过大学报告系统和校外法院系统起诉和报告他们的案件. 受害者也有权拒绝报案,而不受任何学院工作人员的责备.

校园 组织 电话
伊丽莎白市 性侵犯
Edenton-Chowan 性侵犯
所有 医疗紧急情况 911

In accordance with the 校园 Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000, COA提供了北卡罗莱纳州性犯罪者和公共保护登记处的链接. The websites for North Carolina and other state registers are listed below.

NC Sex Offender and Public Protection Registry


National Sex Offender Public Registry

In 1998, 《申博平台》被修订并更名为《申博平台》. 该法案要求COA准备和分发(给所有在职教职员工和学生)一份 年度报告 它阐述了我们预防犯罪的政策,并提供了具体暴力犯罪(谋杀, negligent and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible and non-forcible sexual offenses, 抢劫, 加重攻击罪, 入室盗窃, 纵火, motor vehicle thefts and hate crimes) which have occurred on campus, and also the number of arrests on campus for liquor law violations, drug use violations and weapons 占有. The 年度报告 is available at the U.S. 教育部. 打印的副本可以从学生成功和招生管理副总裁处获得.
It’s illegal to possess weapons on any property owned, leased or occupied by a North Carolina educational institution. 这包括但不限于手枪、步枪、BB枪、气枪、弓和剑. 如果你对校园里的武器有任何疑问,请联系校园保安办公室或院长.

Promoting a drug- and alcohol-free environment is everyone’s responsibility. COA支持并致力于为所有员工和学生维护这样的环境. 非法制造, 分布, 调剂, 占有, 或雇员或学生在任何正式的大学场所使用受管制的物质, or any location while engaged in activities on behalf of the college, 是被禁止的. “管制药物”一般是指极有可能被滥用的药物, 包括海洛因, 可卡因, 裂纹, 大麻, PCP and legal drugs not prescribed by a physician. 在任何大学场所持有、饮用或提供酒精饮料也是被禁止的.

所有 campus locations are smoke- and tobacco-free. No smoking is allowed inside buildings or anywhere on campus grounds, including parking lots and inside parked cars.

If you need assistance for any reason related to the use of drugs or alcohol, a member of the COA counseling 工作人员 will act as a referral source.

阿尔伯马尔学院致力于为学生提供高质量的教学和学习经验. Courses are developed to ensure optimal student success. 如遇不可抗力, 学院保留修改教学和/或交付课程和课程作业的权利. 这可能包括改变课程模式,从面对面的课程到在线或利用网络会议.

“不可抗力”包括, but is not limited to the following situations: fire, 地震, 飓风, 洪水, civil disturbances and pandemics.

如果龙卷风或飓风对COA校园内的个人构成直接威胁, the campus will be alerted by AlertNow, college employees or campus security. 龙卷风或飓风来袭时,最安全的地方是没有窗户的室内房间. Please close all windows and doors before you leave an area.
如果发生医疗紧急情况,请拨打上面列出的紧急电话号码. If the victim is unconscious, call 911 and notify local campus administrators.
当建筑物火警响起或接到疏散指示时,应立即撤离建筑物. When notified to evacuate a building, walk quickly to the nearest marked exit and alert others to do the same. Be sure to close office and classroom doors before you leave. 教职员工应通知学生和访客在距离建筑物至少100英尺的区域集合. Please assist disabled persons with exiting the building. COA conducts fire drills once per quarter.

When a campus state of emergency is declared, 所有非必要人员, 学生和访客需要立即开始有序撤离校园. 通知将通过短信发送给已注册AlertNow的用户, as well as through the security computer notification system. COA的安全和维护人员将协助指挥交通,确保安全快速撤离.At the beginning of each semester, 在紧急情况下,指导员将确定所有可能需要帮助的人离开建筑物, including wheelchair-bound individuals, those with any condition limiting mobility, visually- or hearing-impaired individuals, 以及其他在紧急情况下可能难以听从指示的人. 教师将与这些学生商量帮助他们的最佳方法. 这些人的姓名和地点将告知商务办公室, and security will provide assistance in an emergency.

Building elevators are generally not available for use during an emergency, 行动不便的人可能需要COA工作人员的帮助才能使用楼梯. 如需协助, 请通知保安或总机,我们将派人协助疏散.

Evacuation Information for each 校园 Locations & 说明地图

The purpose of identification cards is to help identify students, 工作人员 and 教师 as well as individuals who aren’t allowed on campus. While you’re not required to display your badge while on campus, you’ll need to have it in your 占有. 学生表现出可疑行为或违反任何责任,确定在 学生手册 will be asked to show their identification card. Those without proper identification will be asked to leave the campus. 如果学生拒绝离开, the police will be notified and the student will be charged with trespassing. Your identification card also serves as your library card.
Children aren’t allowed in any classroom, laboratory, library or student areas. Children may not be left unattended in vehicles at any time, or brought to special college events and registration. 例外情况可与适当的行政官员或部门主席澄清.